
人間佛陀漫畫系列The Human Buddha Comic Series


優惠價: $900
開本:14.8 x 21cm

In everyone’s life,

there are the most difficult times.

Have you encountered yours?


The Buddha was a human being, not a god.

He knew the path to true wealth,

spoke of love and affection,

星雲大師(Venerable Master Hsing Yun)

Biography of Venerable Master Hsing Yun

  Venerable Master Hsing Yun was born in 1927 in Jiangdu, Jiangsu Province, China. At the age of 12, he was tonsured by Venerable Master Zhikai in Qixia Temple, Nanjing, with Dajue Temple in Yixing, Jiangsu, as his ancestral temple. He later became the 48th-generation lineage holder of the Linji Chan school. In 1947, he graduated from Jiaoshan Buddhist College, and also trained at various Chan, Pure Land, and Vinaya monasteries, including Jinshan, Qixia, and others. He received a comprehensive Buddhist education in the lineage, teachings, and Vinaya disciplines. Later on, the Venerable Master was invited to serve as the principal of Baita Elementary School, and also the editor-in-chief of Raging Billows Monthly.

  In the spring of 1949, the Venerable Master arrived in Taiwan. He served as the editor-in-chief of Human Life Magazine, Buddhism Today Magazine, and Awakening the World.

  In 1967, the Venerable Master founded the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order, with the Four Objectives: to propagate the Dharma through culture; to foster talents through education; to benefit society through charity, and to purify people’s minds through spiritual cultivation. Guided by the principles of Humanistic Buddhism, he went on to establish over three hundred temples worldwide. Additionally, he oversaw the creation of various art galleries, libraries, publishing companies, bookstores, the Merit Times newspaper, and the Cloud and Water Mobile Clinic. Furthermore, he established sixteen Buddhist colleges and founded three high schools and five universities, including the University of the West in the United States, Fo Guang University in Taiwan, Nanhua University in Taiwan, Nan Tien Institute in Australia, and Guang Ming College in the Philippines. Notably, he also established the Institute of Humanistic Buddhism.

  In 1970, the Venerable Master established Da Ci Children’s Home and the Lanyang Ren Ai Senior Citizen’s Home, providing shelter and care for vulnerable young children, and elderly individuals. He also actively engaged in emergency relief efforts, contributing to the fostering of a welfare society. Then, in 1991, he founded the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) and was elected as the President of the World Headquarters. Under his guidance, the association's mission expanded, symbolized by the saying, “the Buddha’s Light shining over three thousand realms, and the Dharma water flowing continuously through the five continents.”

  In 1977, the Fo Guang Buddhist Canon, the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism, and the 132-volume Selected Chinese Buddhist Texts in Modern Language were compiled. In 2017, the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun was published, comprising 365 volumes with over 30 million words, systematically expounding the ideologies, teachings, theories, and practical outcomes of Humanistic Buddhism.

  In 2023, the Venerable Master peacefully passed away, his virtuous deeds complete and fulfilled, having reached the age of ninety-seven. He was revered as the Founding Master of the Fo Guang Order, and he left behind this poignant poem:

  A mind with the compassionate vow to deliver sentient beings,
  A body like a boat on the Dharma ocean, unbound.
  Should you ask what I have achieved in this lifetime?
  Peace and happiness shine upon the five continents.

二O二三年,大師住世緣盡,淨業圓滿,享耆壽九十七,被奉為佛光堂上第一代開山祖師,留遺偈:「心懷度眾慈悲願,身似法海不繫舟, 問我一生何所求,平安幸福照五洲」。



The Human Buddha Comic Series 1: Unspoken Understanding

Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

When Touched, One Can Touch Others / Editor’s Notes

The Goddess and the Monkey

Dirty Basin


Breaking the Habit

A Poor Lady Offering a Lamp

Hurtful Speech

Liberating Hariti

Buddha Offers Half a Seat

Sweep Away

The Four Sons

Auspicious Grass


The Human Buddha Comic Series 2: Fortunate Encounters

Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Hidden within the Story / Editor’s Notes

84 Thousand Stupas

Proper Tuning

Filthy Without, Purity Within

King Isanavarman’s Liberation

Sonadanda’s Teaching

The Buddha Carried His Father's Coffin

Nothing Comes Easy

Taming the Mad Elephant

Paving Jetavana with Gold



The Human Buddha Comic Series 3: Less Is More

Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Understand Tacitly Is Supernatural Powers / Editor’s Notes

Offering of the Four Heavenly Kings

First Lay Disciples

Finding the Heart

The Kasyapa Brothers

Deva’s Loss

Matanga’s Enlightenment

A Grain of Rice Equals Mount Sumeru

Safeguarding Rahula

Selfless Giving

Teaching the Old Housemaid

Aspiring Couple

Uppalavanna’s Realization



The Human Buddha Comic Series 4: Long-Awaited for You

Dear Buddha, Where Are You? / By Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Behind the Pursuit of Perfection / Editor’s Notes

Five Cultivations

The Return

The Ugly

The Poor Man’s Offering

The Buddha’s Wisdom

You Reap What You Sow



Anger’s Antidote

Old Age Is a Gem


Poisonous Snakes

Devadatta’s Battle



The Human Buddha Comic Series 5: Missing the Buddha, Yearning to See Him

The Indian Prince in Chinese Garb / Editor’s Notes

I Birth in the Human World: Teaching, Instructing, Benefiting, and Bringing Joy to Society

1. Riding an Elephant, Entering the Womb

2. Born under a Tree

3. Asitas Prophecy


II Growing up in a Royal Palace: Living in Abundance

1.Siddharthas Outstanding Skills

2.Young Siddharthas Bewilderment

3. Four Trips Outside the Palace


III Bidding Farewell to Loved Ones: Renouncing for Spiritual Cultivation

1.The Princes Ambition to Renounce

2. Transcending the City and Renouncing

3. Determined, the Hair Is Cut Off

4. Strict Austerities for Six Years


IV Forsaking Severe Austerities: Defeating Maras and Attaining Buddhahood

1. Leaving and Accepting the Offering of a Shepherdess

2. Defeating Maras and Attaining Buddhahood

3. Everyone Can Be a Buddha

4. Offering of the Four Heavenly Kings


Initial Turning of the Dharma Wheel: The Initial Three Jewels

1. Where Are the Audiences?

2. First Teaching


Ⅵ Immeasurable Compassion: Educating with Equality

1. King Bimbisara’s Refuge Taking

2. Anathapindika’s Vow to Build a Vihara

3. Educating with Equality


Ⅶ Returning Home to Teach: Liberating Loved Ones

1. Returning to Hometown to Teach

2. Taming the Wild Elephant

3. Carrying His Father’s Coffin

4. Giving Teachings to His Mother


Ⅷ Simple Living: Liberating All Beings

1. Beg for Alms with a Mind of Equality

2. Meeting in the Teachings


Ⅸ Perfecting Enlightenment With Skillfulness: Exhibiting Nirvana

1. Last Journey

2. Exhortation One More Time

3. The Last Disciple

4. Immeasurable Compassionate Heart

5. Distribution of the Relics to Eight Kings


Missing The Buddha, Yearing To See Him


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