Buddhist Encounters:Finding a Home in the Human Condition
Buddhist Encounters:Finding a Home in the Human Condition《邂逅佛教》
Studies on Humanistic Buddhism V : Humanistic Chan Buddhism 人間生活禪研究
Buddha-Dharma:Pure and Simple 6 佛法真義6 (英)
中英人間佛教詞彙選(2023新版) The Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism
中英人間佛教詞彙選(The Glossary of HUMANISTIC BUDDHISM)
Buddha-Dharma:Pure and Simple 5 佛法真義 5 (英)
Buddha-Dharma: Pureand Simple 4 佛法真義4(英)
Studies On Humanistic Buddhism IV Human Life 人間佛教研究論文選
Buddha-Dharma:Pure and Simple 3 佛法真義 3 (英)
Buddha-Dharma:Pure andS imple 2 佛法真義2(英)
Buddha-Dharma:Pure and Simple 1 佛法真義1(英)